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Ready to Apply?
Before starting your application, please read the following statements. If you are in agreement with these items, please continue to the application.
If not, that’s ok! We understand and know that Mercy Ships is not the right organization for everyone.

I understand that:
Mercy Ships is a faith-based charity and our community must follow our code of conduct.
Our volunteer crew are not paid a salary. 
English proficiency is required for all positions on board. Fluency is required for some positions.
Applications and CV/resumes must be submitted in English. 
I meet the licensure, qualifications, and experience required to serve. I can and will submit all relevant certifications with my application.
Volunteers must meet necessary medical and vaccination requirements to be eligible to serve.
Volunteers are responsible for all personal expenses while on board. Transportation costs to and from the ship are generally the volunteer's responsibility, unless they are covered for certain roles. 
If I am married, and apply to volunteer without my partner, I can only volunteer for six months at a time.